7 de abril de 2012

And there's a new partnership

This time, along with my hubby/photographer Miguel Vieira, I had the pleasure to shoot a dear friend of mine, José Moreira :)

We all know that, growing up, we meet a lot of people with whom we share a lot of good moments and experiences and, obviously and almost inevitably, we become friends with. But from all those friends we meet along our rode, there are those who we become attached to in such a way that is almost impossible to disconnect from them. Those with whom you can always count with, no matter when or where. Those who make you laugh harder than anyone else. Those who make you naturally happy.
José became, along the years, one of those to me :)

And so, with this post I want to share not only my first work with a male model (Yeeeeiiii!) but also a little bit of the amazing person that he is.

Hope you like it*

Photography and Wardrobe by Miguel Vieira www.wix.com/miguelpereir7/miguel-vieira
Edition, Makeup and Hair by Sara Carvalho

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